Doulton W9123019 UltraCarb SI Ceramic Scale Reduction Water Filter (2 PACK)


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Primary Filter Media: Ceramic with carbon
Contaminant Reduction: Scale and lime build up
Filter Life: 6 Months
Design: Stylish, innovative, sleek design
Media :Ultracarb ceramic media with Activated Carbon Block core, Lead Removal media, and Scale Inhibitor

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The W9123019 Doulton UltraCarb SI ceramic filter candle is designed to help reduce scale issues in your water, while working hard to ensure the taste and quality of your water remain at peak levels. An ideal replacement part for any home or business that has experienced clogging in water lines and hard water stains in sinks, faucets or tubs. This ceramic filter candles also significantly reduces lead, turbidity, Cryptosporidium, chlorine and more. May be cleaned and reused throughout its lifespan. Get the filter you need to nearly eliminate scale issue and improve your overall water quality by ordering the W9123019 Doulton UltraCarb SI ceramic filter candle from us today!